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Create Self Confidence


Check out this mini class and download the worksheet to create more self confidence today! 


Dive deeper in to creating Self Confidence by signing up for the Create Self Confidence Challenge! 10 days of bite sized lessons, videos, and worksheets delivered to your inbox daily and designed to help you create self confidence in any area of your life! Take just 10 mins a day over the next 10 days and you will create more confidence, I promise!

What you want to create, what goal you want to achieve, how you want to show up in the world...

It all starts with CREATING CONFIDENCE


We are not born with confidence. We have to create it! It is easy to create confidence for things we have 100,000 times. It is challenging to create confidence in things we have never done before.


Why? Because it is scary to do new things! Our brains are terrified to take risks and be open to negative feelings like disappointment, failure, embarrassment.

Our brains keep us safe by keeping an autopilot loop of thoughts running over and over again.

 “I don’t know how”

“What if I fail”

“What will be people think”


If you want to have confidence, then you have to break the loop and create a new mindset.

Creating self confidence comes down to 3 steps:

  1. Break the autopilot loop and choose thoughts that serve you

  2. Take risks and trust yourself that you have your own back

  3. Do it again and again and again!


Learn more about these 3 steps and how to implement them in your life in this mini class and supporting worksheet.

Ready for the next level in Creating Confidence? 

Take the Create Self Confidence Challenge! 10 days of bite sized lessons, videos, and worksheets designed to help you create self confidence in any area of your life! Delivered to your inbox every day, it is like having a focused 10 min coaching session with me! Keep the videos and workbook forever! It is yours to own so you can continue to create confidence in all areas of your life!

Want 1:1 support? I can help you create confidence in any area of your life! Check out my mindset coaching programs for details on 1:1 coaching and book a free consultation to get started! 

About Me: About Me
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